Receptive and Expressive Language Disorders
What are Receptive and Expressive Language Disorders?
Language disorders occur when a person has trouble understanding others spoken or written language (receptive language), or sharing thoughts, ideas, and feelings orally or in writing (expressive language). Language disorders may occur in both spoken and written communication and may involve the form (phonology, morphology, syntax), content (semantics), and/or use (pragmatics) of language in functional and socially appropriate ways.
Receptive and expressive language can be disrupted in a variety of ways. An adult can acquire a language disorder known as aphasia through an injury to the brain, or a language disorder can be developmental and occur during childhood. Some developmental language disorders can be related to a specific diagnosis or syndrome (e.g., Down syndrome, autism spectrum disorder (ASD), Fragile X syndrome, epilepsy, etc.). Many language disorders, however, do not have a known cause or specific diagnosis.
Our speech-language pathologists conveniently deliver services online using a HIPAA-compliant platform. , our speech-language pathologists at Al Hawas Rehabilitation Of Hearing & Speech Center can still provide the same effective treatment you would receive in-person but with many added